Nearly everyone enjoys the taste of food cooked on the grill and by utilizing wood chips or chunks, you can boost the natural flavor of cooking food over an open flame.
Whether you make use of a charcoal or gas grill, flavors can be added in by making use of wood chunks or chips through the cooking process. Essentially, you have two options when using them. The one you choose will be determined by the quantity of the smoke flavor you would like to introduce in your food.
The most commonly used wood chips are hickory wood chips, which can be generally used in combination with beef or pork. But, apple wood is additionally common for almost any sort of meat cooked on the grill.
If you need a heavy smoky flavor, you can put some of the chips or chunks directly on the fire. But, this process works best with a charcoal barbecue grill. Placing wood chips on the flame of a gas grill can produce flames which will cook the outside of the food too quickly, causing it to burn up on the exterior while being still uncooked inside.
It’s best to soak the wood in water until they’re damp. Once wet, wrap them in high quality foil and immediately after poking a few holes in the foil to allow the steam to escape, place them on the grill grate along with the meat.
The steam will bring the taste from the chips or chunks and soak it into the meat. If you slow cook the food like this, it’ll give you intense flavor. How much flavor will be determined by the amount of chips used and how long the meat is confronted with the smoke from the chips.
The first time you use flavored wood chunks or chips might require some modifications to the amount of chips you utilize, how wet you’ve made them, and the variety of holes you poke into the foil.
As you test out the process making use of wood chunks and chips, you possibly can make modifications to reach the level of flavor that fits your own private preference. While it’s really a trial and error process, once you know the routine you need to use to receive the flavor you’d like, you’ll be able to easily repeat it every time you grill outside.